11 December 2009

Another day in wintery paradise

Why is it always so long between my posts - even I am surprised by how long it has been! We celebrated our family Christmas with my hubby's family, any my friend Michele, her hubby Mike and there 2 children Colt and Avery (my honorary grand-babies who I love dearly!) last Saturday night here at hour home and it was wonderful! I baked and cooked for 2 days and it was worth every minute.

Just finished wrapping presents, my sister Nikki called me this evening and all the packages we mailed to Alaska arrived today - one less thing for me to have to stress about, which is really nice! Tomorrow I will mail my grand-daughter Shelby's gifts to her - can I just say I miss her desperately. It has been almost a year (December 26th) since her father came and said he was taking her sledding and "disappeared" with her! Because she is in Sault Ste Marie Michigan and the "custody" battle is far from over, we don't get to hear from her - very sad really. Breaks my heart on a daily basis . . . enough said.

Still trying to figure out what to buy my 15 year old sports son - - - any ideas, please ship them my way, I am struggling more and more as he outgrows being a boy and turns into a young man, but can I just say I love this boy so much!

Cody and I will leave for Alaska to spend Christmas with my family (the first time in 6 years - and I am soo o o o o o o o ready! John will join us on the 23rd, already miss him. I work this weekend and a couple of days this week and then officially off for 14 days beginning on Friday, and yes, I am ready for it . . . it is much needed.

Still have some rum cakes to get made and gift baskets made for my co-workers, but those will be fairly easy once I get my hiney in gear and get to working on them. I haven't made a Christmas card one, but hope to remedy that this week. . . I so have to make Christmas cards this year or I will be so mad at myself.

Well ladies, I do hope this is not my last post for this year . . . I keep saying I will do better and I fail to do so, I am thinking that will be one of my new year resolutions. I still don't have a fax machine - - - honestly that is not true, I do have one, however, because my computer is Vista and my fax works on something else (I can't even remember right now) I don't have a working fax. I am hoping to find a good sale during Christmas so that I can begin scanning my cards, and scrapbook pages, and altered items that I have both received and hope to get done.

Much love to all of you who wait around for me to get some blogging done!

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